It's just not my style to lay low on April Fool's Day and I want to thank all my loyal readers who came back after lunch yesterday to see what my big surprise was going to be. By the comments that were left, it didn't appear that I fooled many of you. But... I'll let the evidence speak for itself.
Glider Rider's SiteMeter

I hope you had fun yesterday and got to dish out a few "gotcha's" of your own. I let April 1st sneak up on me this year and I had to scramble at the last minute to think of some way I could "fool" my readers. I think the little prank I pulled last year was the best. For those of you who are new to my blog, check out my post, Lady R Goes Draggin'.

Watch for peeps and don't eat too much chocolate! Hoppy Easter everybody!
Lady R
8 comments: got me! I read the post from work, but can't leave comments while at work. I went back to check 2 or 3 times until I realized.
You're right, last year's prank was the BEST! :)
You stinker! LOL
Nope...I layed low for the 1st of April this year. The last two years in a row I fooled just about everybody...except Ann of course. There's no bullshitting of Ann, so seeing that you managed to get her, that calls for CONGRATULATIONS!
I didn't fool anybody, nor was I fooled. That's not as much fun, I admit, but the truth is, I was just too damned busy!
You know, I had many scenarios floating around in my head. I figured it was some sort of foolishness...but you got me anyway because the last thing I expected was a surprise...that, errr...really wasn't a surprise.
I didn't check back because I was in hell...maybe more on that later. SO i would have checked in at noon if I'm in a almost a dumb-ass catagory!
You sure fooled me. I never saw that coming. Not from ‘you’. ;)
I did not see it on the 1st. Was in man's almighty court. But you and yours have a heart felt Easter.
Ann... Yeah! According to Joker, I've successfully infiltrated the no bullshitting zone! It's nice to know that you were truly interested in what I had to say... even if I was full of shit this time! LOL!!
Jocelyn... me... a little stinker? With all the above mentioned bullshit flying around, what can I say? ;b~~~
Joker... Well I wondered. I kept checking to see if your were going to post something, but it never came. So you see... you've actually fooled me at my own game! LOL! There's always next year!
Dave... well... being an "almost" dumb-ass can count for something I guess. I wonder what you thought my surprise was... Winning the lottery?... Buying a new bike?... Moving to Cali to bug the shit outta VD? Surprise! LOL!
Willy... sniff... sniff. Do you smell something? ;)
now i wanna know about vd's easter hell...hmmm... hey ladyr, thats a pretty cool sitemeter report, who do you use??? and yes, im one of the dumbasses, lol... :)
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