A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table. He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks the biggest, meanest biker in the face and says...
"I went to your grandma's house today and I saw her in the hallway buck naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!"
The biker looks at him and doesn't say a word. His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker and would fight at the drop of a hat. The drunk leans on the table again and says...
"I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!"
The biker's buddies are starting to get really mad, but the biker still says nothing. The drunk leans on the table one more time and says...

At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders, looks him square in the eyes and says...
You see... dirty old men need love too!
Have a nice Wednesday everybody!
Lady R
I Love Grandpas!!!
Now that I've been a grandpa for three months, it has a whole new meaning for me!
LOL. Sure didn't see that one coming!
That was silly! :)
Bucky... Even old dirty ones! LOL!
Irondad... I'm sure it does! As an AGAT Grandpa... your setting a fine example for us all. LOL! (I'm referring to your diaper changing picture). Nope... no one can call you "dirty". :)
Canajun... POW!! Have a nice day. BTW... "I'm a lumberjack, oh yes I am!" (just in case your forgot how it went.) ;D
Steph... tee hee. Who me??
I read this at work yesterday and sent it to everyone I knew in an email! LOL!
I didn't know there was a story written about my husband!!! LMAO!
Love it!
This was great. My boys get all grossed out when I do that to them. I'lll grab the mama and shake her booty. Yea! That is funny. Thanks. Hey I'd still like to know how many dollar's the dancer got from you.
Ann... That's so funny... I should have used a picture of Big D to better illustrate my little story. LOL!
B.B... :) Thanks!
Webster... That's hilarious! My daddy used to play with my mom like that too, and we'd all yell at 'em... "ewww... gross!" LOL! I guess we really believed the stork brought us.
Now? I love it when I see the "mature" generation show affection toward each other. It's cute and they say "it" (s-e-x) keeps us young. I'm a doubter sometimes... I guess I'll have to do my own studies. LOL!
Well for a fleeting moment anyway:)
So since I am a dirty old man in training at what point or age are you officially a "dirty old man"?
Charlie.... Hmmmm. Good question! I've been sitting here coming up with all kinds of reasons or ways I would determine when "D.O.M." is official. I can't be conclusive with my thoughts, and I've made myself laugh to the point that I've decided that this would be a cool post and I plan to put the question to the readers.
Stay tuned... you just gave me a good idea!
Good one, never expected the punchline...just great...thanks for the laugh
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