Here in Alabama, Saturday was a great day for riding! Harley and I wanted to make the best of it, so we decided to go to
Whataburger for lunch... in Clanton! It was the kind'a ride that took you 80 miles to get there, even though it was only 50 miles away. We took a leisurely cruise up our favorite little highways and byways and observed all the Spring blossoms starting to dapple our beautiful country landscape.
These Tulip trees are one of my favorite Spring flowers. I'm not sure if they're officially called Tulip trees, but that's what I call them. When they start to bloom, I know the dreary brownness of winter will soon be gone.

In this northern area of Autauga County, you'll see acres and acres of these lovely peach trees lining the roads, sometimes on both sides. These gorgeous blossoms create an image of a brilliant pink blanket laying across the landscape and it looks absolutely beautiful.

Even these Bradford Pears dressed up the dormant tree line with their contrasting blooms of white.

During one of our little stretch breaks, I couldn't help but notice these delicate tiny little purple blooms that made the dirty ground even look pretty.

We enjoyed a nice ride, ate a good 'ol burger, and saw some pretty spring scenery all while under a lovely blue sky and cruising through the welcome warm spring air. It can't get much better than this! Hope your weekend ride was as good as mine was.
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R
I gotta get out on a ride to blog about or I'm gonna bust. Sweet pictures and I bet the air matched.
another ahhhhhhhhhhhh post :) whats with you and all these great roads? ;) love it!!!!!.....
It was in the low 80’s here this weekend. Spring is in the air.
Belle said to say meow to Romeo ;)
AZD... The air WAS indeed, as sweet as the sights, and these last two weekends have been the best! You'd better fix what ails ya... and ride!!
mq01... come on down and I'll show you my private stash of ahhhhhhhhh roads. I promise I'll share!
Willy D... We'll be seeing 80's soon enough. I'm relishing in these nice comfy 70's rides. By the time April is over... we'll be using our wet rags already. Geesh!
BTW... Romeo had another birthday last Friday. Tell Belle she missed all the fun a 9 y.o. fat cat can have. And he says "meow" too!
"Springtime, for Hitler, and all of Germany!" sorry, just read the title and it brought up a song that I heard in some movie from way back. Mel Brooks or something.
Anyway! It's spring and I'm sprung for riding...well, at least warm, dry riding anyway. I'm tired of freezing my ass off at 80mph.
Nice picts! Don't listen to what anyone says about me...I dig flowers.
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