(... continued)
I wish I could tell you all that my dad was able to hook me up with an awesome ride and I was able to take my bully to task but, unfortunately, that was not the case. At that time, my sweet daddy worked very hard and sacrificed much just to provide a modest, yet comfortable living for his family of six. So, even though we were often told no, for some crazy reason... we never felt slighted. It's amazing what life can feel like when it's padded with love.
Fast forward about 30 years...
After graduating from High School, serving in the Navy and meeting my "first" (and only) husband, life has a way of ticking along whether you're meeting your goals or not. To spite the fact that we were living (although begrudgingly) within our means, we found ways to enjoy life and have fun, constantly assuring ourselves that we were doing so... happily ever after.
In the Fall of 2003, our near and dear friend offered us the chance to buy his '98 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic at a very reasonable price, as he was planning to buy a new one for himself. My hubby always said, if he were to ever get a motorcycle again, it would be a Harley Davidson. Unlike myself, he had the fortunate opportunity to have owned several different makes and models of motorcycles while he was growing up and before we married. He claims, "I've owned everything else in the past, and I've always said my next bike will be a Harley." It didn't take long to make a decision on how nice it would be to have a motorcycle in the garage, and knowing our friend like we do, we were procuring a bike in nearly perfect condition.
Fortunately, we were in a position to be able to take advantage of our friends generous offer and purchase our "first" Harley Davidson. It was the beginning of a whole new adventure... for both of us!

My next "first" is one I'm sure the ladies can relate to. You see, there was that "first" time I tried to mount my hubby's bike when he wasn't ready for me. Yes sir... you'll only do that once!! I realized then, it's just as important to be a responsible passenger as it is being a responsible rider. After all... it can make or break your fun!!
Over the next couple of years we really embraced the rekindled love and experiences that motorcycle ownership gave us. We also started to realize that this new addition to our household has allowed us to participate and enjoy life on a whole new level. Sharing this love and passion with others in the way of road trips, day rides, and a couple of good ol' raunchy rallies now and then, was like wearing a "life is good" t-shirt... everyday.

I knew what I had to do.
(to be continued... again)
Lady R
This is a great post. Love the photo's. And yes is it not but a great feeling. The rallies the people be it a leash a hotdog or a (gas mask). Are we not all special. 45 plus years and still enjoying it. I do less cause of kids grandkids and such. But I do plan on picking it up a bit now that I've retired.
EXCELLENT! yup, being a responsible passenger makes for... ;)
Lady R:
It's nice to be able to have another passion in life to awake your senses and is also a great stress reliever. Better late than never and thank goodness you didn't miss the chance . . . It's like you are going on a new adventure everytime you hop on and twist your throttle
Wet Coast Scootin
I have been telling my wife the same thing, you need to experience it for yourself. Great blog, waiting for the next installment ;-)
Webster... The scary thing for me is... the more rallies I go to... the less I spectate! Yikes! It's hard to just stand idly by when you see someone having soooo much fun! Maybe I should be wearing the leash! LOL!
Mq01... Yes... and I'd rather be smilin'!
Bobskoot... It's funny you say that... when we got this bike, I wanted to go, go, go, because it felt like we had missed out on so many years of this! Even though I wasn't the one twisting the throttle, I was having the time of my life.
George... Maybe one day she'll let you show her then who knows... you'll be trying to figure out how to put two bikes in the stall. :)
There are far too many "Why didn't I do this sooner?" moments in life. Glad you jumped all over this one and are enjoying the ride, so to speak.
Looking forward to the next instalment (although it's pretty clear where it's headed :) )
I can't wait for the next part! This gave me chills!
On another note, how far a ride is it from where you live to Nashville?
Canajun... Life is to short. If we keep waiting till "the right time"... before we know it... "times up"! I may not be able to do everything I'm wanting to do, but I'm darn sure trying to do as much as I can!
B.B. It's coming! Nashville... is about 5 hours via the Interstate. Why are you going home soon? I really wish you and Dave were not so far away. I would love to take y'all riding around my state. Hopefully... one day.
Riding the west coast highways is on my bucket list too. (sigh)
We will be out there in April, I'll get you more details when I have them. I'm not sure how tight of a time frame we'll be on, but we were hoping we could swing a meet up.
I used to think I was a bit cracked for being in love the motorcycle...now I don't feel so strange about it.
The more predicatable our lives become, it seems the more we seek out things we can still do to spice it up.
I like this!
B.B... Let me know. April is a busy month for us too... Rally time!
Dave... You... feel strange? Nawwww. UNpredictability... that's what keeps things spicy!
I wanted to read more!! You are so lucky to have someone to share all this with via the ride. Riding is an experience that brings in all the love and you have it! Great post as it tells the tale of going from back to front and still enjoying both!
KT... thanks my friend. It's been fun going back down memory lane! I have the next post ready for publishing but I'm still tweaking on it. Just as I think it's done, I remember something else in my history of "firsts".
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