Today's Pics of the Week come from my pal the Roadrunner, one of my biker pals who makes a living driving an 18 wheeler all across our United States. While we've all been lolly gagging around, enjoying our holiday time off, he's been keeping the roads hot delivering chickens (I think) and taking in some amazing scenery... like this!

He's been up around Washington state for the last couple days and took some of these beautiful wintry pictures from somewhere on Hwy. 97. I know it looks cold and all, but I can see myself riding around those bends... anticipating each new scenic prize... one right after the other... curve after beautiful curve... ahhhhhh...
Meanwhile, back here in the south, we had a nice and quiet New Year's Eve. Thunderstorms and tornadoes kept us from riding Saturday, but other than that... it's time to tackle the new year! I guess we'll just start here.
Have a nice Monday everybody!!
Lady R
Looks cold but I would like to give it a try on my motorcycle.
Big Al
Those are some wonderful photos from Roadrunner! Crazy thunderstorms they were!! Now it's back to cold and I'm dreaming of spring!
I live just North of where these photos were taken and I do go down to WA a lot to visit friends and also for some business...There ain't no way you gonna ride on these curves in the might be able to ski your way down those icy hilly roads but not much more.
Wow, great pictures. I am pleased those chickens made it. Happy Monday!
I'd do it! Happy New Year! Beautiful picts.
Like Big Al said I am also tempted to try those roads. Lovely pics.
Happy New Year and keep the shiny side up. SonjaM
Temptation ain't necessarily a good thing in this case unless you are naturally suicidal or are a special task force member specilized in detecting a very thin film of ice on a dull road at 60 MPH.
Gymonr... I got a face mask for Christmas... I'm ready!
Eve... New Years day was very dismal here. Dark, rainy and stormy... all day. Hope it's not an omen for the rest of the year!
Baron... you just popped my bubble! It looks wet alright, and I'm sure with the right temps... I'd be skate-riding! It's been so long since I've lived around rain... turning to ice... turning to nightmares. Come on Spring... Woo Hoo!! I guess I'll pacify myself with the fact that Alabama scenery is definitely different, but I can ride all year!
Gary... The Colonel would be proud! Good thing his chickens are already frozen!
Dave... I believe you would! Master of disaster!! B.B. would kill me if she knew I was egging you on. Maybe we should wait till the ice melts a bit, heh?
SonjaM... The roads look awesome... it's the ice Baron's Life mentions that we need to heed warning of. I'm sure when the temps are right... the playground is ripe for fun!
Baron... brings to mind the times when I watched my dad and his friends try to race bikes (equipped with spiked chains on the wheels) on the ice of the Mississippi River. There were a couple riverside camp sites where the river was shallow enough to freeze along the banks. Those areas were marked off and guys would race bikes and go-karts on the ice on makeshift tracks. Those are some awesome memories!
didn't mean to burst your bubble...I'm over hysterical rearding safety issues as I spent 14 months trying to recover from being knocked down...and ...finally...recovered.
Been meaning to ask you about your Dad's bike...guess it is the one you are showing on the right hand side when you were a young Lassie...was that a Matchless...or do you know what it was? it's a great looking bike.
Baron... I'm not sure, and I've asked my brothers if they can remember, but they can't. Anything you can tell me from the picture would be awesome. I have another one that's more of a side view. I'll post what I have and play... "name that bike"! Stay tuned...
Lady R:
I'm guessing that section of Hwy 97 was between Ellensburg and Leavenworth. SonjaM and myself rode that section last July on our way to Oregon, but it was much hotter, around 90F. A little snow would have been great to cool us down.
Wet Coast Scootin
bobskoot... 100 degrees are normal temps for Alabama in the summer, so 90 would feel good to us! LOL! When we ride the Smokey Mountain area, the air is so much cooler as we climb elevation, so I was assuming the mountain riding out west would be the same way. Maybe it's because the roads are more open and exposed, leaving you in the sun most of the time, whereas in the Smokey's, the roads are running through a gantlet of shade trees leaving you feeling coooooooool as a cucumber. Especially when we ride through a cloud, that's really awesome. (it's like riding through a foggy misting machine!) All this talk of mountains and riding has got me wanting to take a road trip!
Great sights. Dave must know you slide further on roads like that. Must want to break his last record. Sat. 5min. of snow roads turned to black ice. Multiple wreaks. But it was pretty.
I expected to see yours and Harley’s bikes in those pictures. What gives?
‘Name That Bike’. Oh, oh! I wanna’ play!
Didn’t you do a post a while back that had some of those old pictures? I’m off to look. Bye.
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