Thanks everybody for helping me "Name that Bike". It's the general consensus from everyone who commented that the bike in my old photos is an early model Honda. Allen from
Harley In The City and Eve from
Sunny Side Up both provided a link with a picture of a 60's model Honda CL77 Scrambler. In comparison... I believe we have our answer.

The first bike almost looks identical to it and I know for a fact it wasn't new when he bought it. He never bought anything
(mechanical) new in his life. He always taught us to... "let the other guy take the loss of buying
new"... for him, buying used cars and bikes was the only way to go.
My dad eventually quit riding, but he never quit appreciating the fine quality of a nice bike. Recognize this black beauty he's sitting on here?

I give thanks that my dad was the kind of man he was. Not perfect, but worthy... of everything good that came his way, because he had to work so hard to get it. I'm proud of the fact that I take after him in many ways, both good and bad, but that's just the way it works!
Thanks for playing "Name that bike" and now it's time for me to go ride mine!!
Have a nice day!
Lady R
I was rooting around the blogosphere and ran across you. Enjoyed reading your blog! Love to see other lady riders out there! Thanks for sharing.
I love it that you have your dad's bike LR! Glad to help in the search. Love the photos! Great memories for sure.
The photo with on your blog with your Dad's bike is something to cherish for ever...LadyR, thank you so much for sharing your fond memories with us.
You Dad looked good on that bike.
Rhonda... I guess you'll never know what you'll find when you start rootin'!
Welcome to by blog! I'm just a lady rider who likes to write about the beautiful state I live and ride in, along with other meaningless drivel from time to time. Do you have a blog as well? Come back and visit anytime.
Eve... You must have misread something. I don't HAVE dad's old bike, just these cool photos of us on it. I WISH I had that bike. How awesome would that be! Nonetheless, I'm very fortunate to have what I have, and I really appreciate yours and Allens help in figuring out what kind it was. Have a great day friend!
Baron... Your so welcome. Sometimes, we don't realize how lucky we are. I will treasure these pics forever.
LR I thought maybe you had inherited your Black Beauty from him seeing him sitting on it made me think it used to be his! hahaha!
Eve... No. Not the case, but he was impressed that I rode the Electra Glide. He was never fortunate enough to own his own Harley, nor ride one as big as mine, but my brothers said he always bragged about "his daughter who rides a big Harley" to his buddies. There was no doubt that he was very proud of me.
I just have to tell you how much I love the old pics of you and your dad, they just make me smile for some reason. :)
It took me some time to identify the year and model of the bike in the picture on my blog also. I finally found it in a book I had on my book shelf. Most people thought it to be older because it looked that way in the pix. He had just ridden it from Central IL. to Kansas City, MO. Looking at the pix, it was cold and who knows what weather he ran into. Weather can make any bike look old.
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