Last week I posted a picture of Tallulah Gorge and it's water fall, which raised a comment or two about a small swimming hole that looked very inviting. There was even some mention of skinny dipping so... for this week's pic, I decided to post another popular water spot that I'm sure has seen it's share of T and A... especially during the summer.
Back in July, while playing around the Ft. Payne area in north Alabama, we rode through DeSoto State Park and the Little River Canyon. We just happened to be at the DeSoto Falls while these dudes were swimming across the waterhole to the cave under the falls. If it weren't for the small hike necessary to reach it, I might have considered joining them. It was summertime after all and the temps were scorching around 100, give or take a degree or two.

I could certainly do a little dippin' in this pretty spot and I keep telling Harley that one day, we are going to do just that. I've visited these falls at least 4 times now, so I need to quit talking and start hikin'!

I guess these girls weren't to inclined to join the fellas. Harley kept watching to see if the one standing was going to slip and fall. At least that was his story... and he stuck to it.
I have some more great pictures of the DeSoto Falls, but I'll save them for another post. Have a great Monday everybody!!
Lady R
Wow!! It looks just like a place we are going on a hiking trip in Arkansas soon, beautiful.
Big Al
It does look inviting. You are so lucky to have a man so concerned for the saftey of others that he would take from his leasure time in case that poor young thing might need his assistance. What a guy.
I wouldn't mind little hike to swim there. Beautiful place.
Did someone say "skinny dipping"? nice spot and I understand Harley's concern ;-)
Harley has such a heart for young people. I can sense his concern. Good thing these girls had him to "Keep an eye on them" for thier safety of course. It really does look like a cool place to ride, and cool off. I could see a swim in your future as well.
Thank heavens that your Boy Scout kept an eye on those girls, wish I'd a been there to help him!
Likely story Harley!
Al... Hope you have fun. I keep my hiking very limited. lol!
Webster... Yay... he's a real hero. lol!
AZD... the hike going down wouldn't be so bad, but coming back up... will make you wish you were back in the water!
George... Yes... we did. Peek a boo!
Bucky... some day... we will ride together and enjoy some of our "cool" spots.
Ken... he was working on his "eye spy" badge. (wink)
Mr. M... and he's sticking to it!! :D
Lady R:
I never thought of keeping an eye on the girls. Thanks to Harley for being so considerate. I'll have to remember, next time
Wet Coast Scootin
Bobskoot... Yeah, being the concerned spectator is hard work, but someone's got to do it!
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