I completed my
"Walk to Emmaus" this weekend, and I have never felt more humbled and uplifted in my entire life, as I do right now. Because I'm still coming down off my spiritual high, I'm at a loss for words. Give me time.

To me... these three crosses remind me of God's unconditional love for me and who's child I really am.
Have a nice week everybody.
Lady R (Di)
Central Alabama Emmaus Walk #144 - Table of Mary
He does love us all.
yay bravo! thats huge ladyR, big hugs!
Anonymous... I learned all about Prevenient Grace this weekend... it was AWESOME!
Thanks for reading Southern Comfort.
KT... (heart) back at ya sister! I don't know how to make a real heart symbol, but just know my love and friendship is yours my friend.
Mq01... It was VERY huge M... and I'm still reeling. I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life. Now if we can just meet in person some time, it would be perfect!! :)
:) soon!! ...
and ps, hearts can be made by typing < 3 without spacing.
oh :( it didnt work... hey kt howd you do that? hmmm...
The Master loves us all. We just have to give Him our all.
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