I was able to capture these great pictures from the deck of our rental cabin, right on the Tennessee River.
Harley and I have been back up in that area a couple of times since then. It's one of our favorite places to ride. We nearly froze our butts off on our return trip though... it was 35 degrees freezing the morning we left to come back home! Brrrrrrrr!!
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R
That is a great area for riding. Visited Chattanooga this summer during our motorcycle trip to NC. I love the mountain roads.
Lovin the new blog format. Even learned a few things about you I didnt know.. LOL Love ya...
Motoroz... There are so many cool attractions, that you need to stay a few days to take them all in. The nice thing about Tennessee in general is, when your done playing tourist... you can play on some of the best roads ever! Have you ridden the Dragon's Tail? It's a must do!
Bucky... now what could that be? ;D
Must have been a Brrrrr day. Look at that poor dog! Why he's stiff as ice :)
Webster... yeah, he never did thaw out the whole time we were there. Must be why the resident cat was in charge! lol!
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