Harley's still on the mend and we needed new lottery tickets, so we loaded up the puppies and explored some back roads in the Jeep Saturday while we made our way to the Florida and Georgia State lines.
We found this hidden little treasure buried deep in the most South East corner of the state on Hwy. 95, where Alabama, Georgia and Florida touch.
It's not a very big park and you have to drive almost a mile along a small dirt path to get back to it, but when you do...

It was amazingly peaceful and quiet and I couldn't figure out why this place wasn't crowded, when I suddenly realized I was being attacked! It seems like swarms of mosquitoes were upon us in no time! No wonder it seems empty... the blood suckers have eaten all the people!

Look... you could even have your own personal beach front campsite! What else could a girl want?
In spite of the fact that you need one giant can of "Off"... this place was beautiful.
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R
It does look peaceful. Campers to avoid Deet use Listeraine in a spray bottle. It works and smells better than Deet. Whole new meaning to snuggling while camping.
I love places like this. Too bad the friggin mosquito's have to ruin everything...But go back in the winter.
Webster... I didn't know that. It would definitely smells better than Off. I haven't tried Deet, but the spray bottle of Listerine sounds... multipurposeful! lol!
Bucky... we said the same thing. Winter may be the ticket here.
This place reminded me of the time Harley and I were in the mountains with mom, dad and your kids. Trying to eat lunch was a nightmare! Poor little Avery's white head was covered in mosquitoes and Harley bitched that, that was child abuse! lol! (I think Harley was hating it worse than the kids!) They seemed oblivious!
It is beautiful. All se up with picnic tables and benches ready to enjoy it.
Listerine?! Have to try that too.
Lady R:
(sorry, didn't mean to shout)
Riding the Wet Coast
KT... Seemed like a hidden treasure... until you get out of your vehicle. Komikazies!! Yikes!
Bobskoot... it's funny you mention that. I even joked to Harley that I needed a shot with our new Jeep in it... he just shook his head in wonderment.
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