When I was a little girl, we used to have a lilac bush in our backyard. The delicate purple flowers reminded me of grapes hanging in a bunch and I can remember my mom cutting some from time to time, so she could display them on the kitchen table in a big vase. The aroma of lilacs would fill our whole house!
Wisteria reminds me of Lilacs.
I was driving home from PC yesterday when I saw this pretty Wisteria growing up the water tower in front of the historic
Mark's House on CR 85. Right now, Wisteria is wildly climbing on everything and as I drove through the countryside, I could see the light purple blossoms vividly against the backdrop of brownish green foliage.
This old house is about 10 miles SE of Montgomery and is home for one of the biggest Arts and Crafts Fairs in our area which is always held on the first Saturday of November.

We find ourselves traveling out of Montgomery on this road often as it's a nice scenic drive to Hwy. 231. The house is not occupied now and is rented out for receptions, parties and other such events, but could imagine living here with this view?

Ahhhh... me too.
Have a great week everybody. It's Spring!!
Lady R
Yes what a beautiful vine and place!!
Green Grass and High Tides! ;-).
Un saludo.
Awesome picture! Love Lilacs. I too grew up with them. I still smell the same ones. And oh yes I do cut them for the house just as my mom did. We do not have Wisteria around here that I know of. I'll have to check that out. There look great. Do they smell nice?
I love Wisteria. I think mainly because it's purple!
Unfortunately we're getting 4 inches of snow today, so flowers (and riding) are still a ways off here.
Yes, the smell of wisteria and jasmine are my first signs of spring and obviously you too, have fragrant memories with the smells too.
On a side note... is this house for sale? Tell me more!
Ahhhhhhh, lilacs....my FAVORITE kinda flower.
Since I was a kid my folks always hadda lilac bush in both the front and the back yard of our home. My Dad would always be sure to cut a few sprigs for me whenever we'd go visit, and I always went home with a nice large sweet smellin' bunch of lilacs rolled up in wet paper towels for our train ride home. I couldn't wait to get home so I could get 'em straight into a vase and proudly display 'em on my kitchen table.
Then the years kept on rollin' by. Me, the bushes and the folks all began to show our age. And now my precious folks and their sweet lilac bushes are all gone :-(
I could used to that view, no problem. Wish spring was here, we are still getting snow!
Eve... Do you have any growing around in your woods? If it weren't for all the bees I'd have to contend with... I would let some grow all along my back fence. But I hate bees! :(
Freebird... Thank you. The green is really starting to brighten up all along the highways and pastures. Color is coming!!
Webster... They don't have a very strong smell like Lilacs, but they attract the sh*t out of the bees! Harley's aunt had a big beautiful Wisteria growing right off her patio and it grew up around the poles and laid across the overhead beams making it cool and shady. Problem was we would be swatting bees and running back in the house every time we tried to sit out there. She ended cutting it all down. Wisteria is beautiful to look at... but not very fun to deal with.
Kickstart... I like purple too. Especially lavender!
Canajun... Snow!! Say it isn't so! Hopefully, some of our southern sunshine will reach you and melt it all away. It's time to ride already!! :D
KT... the house is not for sale. Sorry. It's been placed on the Historical Register for preservation and the owner's use it for event rentals only. It's such a cool old house and when you go in it... you would be surprised at how simply built it is. It's cool to imagine a prosperous farmer and his family living here with servants (the house does not have a kitchen!).
FYI... I have a Jasmine taller than me growing on a pole near my patio... it always makes things smell lovely around here while it's white with blossoms! I just love Spring!! :D
MDJ... It's funny how you mentioned the wet paper towel. I used to take some Lilacs to my teacher from time to time and I would carry my prized stems... wrapped in a wet paper towel. Sometimes my mom would place a sandwich baggie over the paper towel for me so I wouldn't my hands all wet and lose some the water.
Here's to nice childhood memories... let's hope we never lose 'em!!
Rhonda... We find ourselves on this road a lot! It's one of our favorite ways to leave town. As far as your snow goes... see my note to Canajun. I will wish the same for you!
Beautiful...now, go buy me that house...pleeeaaasse!
Always great pictures. Thanks!
Dave... That house would make a great Biker Bed and Breakfast. Wide open space on a beautiful country road... what a dream!
Lady R:
It sure looks like summer where you are. Not so much here yet. It looks sunny but still on the cold side. We had frost on the windshields yesterday morning.
Spring will be here as soon as my allergies start up
Riding the Wet Coast
Bobskoot... not summer yet, but this was a 81 degree day. It's Spring time in the south! My summer's coming and it brings... triple digits!
Since I've been riding the Glide to work all week, my blue Ford is now green, covered in the loveliest layer of pollen you ever did see.
Achooooo!! :D
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