I tried to keep this a secret, but somehow the news leaked out about it so... I thought I'd better tell everyone.
Dear Family and Friends,
Most of you know I went in for a surgical procedure for a Butt Lift. I didn't have the most pleasant experience. I should've left well enough alone.
I wanted to show you how it turned out. I hope this keeps YOU from having this done. Please, please, please... don't get a Butt Lift.

Have a great weekend everybody! Let's ride!!
Lady R
Good one.
Now that is some UGLY cheeks, but very funny at the same time.
Opened this right after breakfast. Thanks a lot!
Oh my! No butt lifts for me! :)
I got a hot flash reading this one LR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to let me know when you head north! Got to meet up sometime this year!
Lady R:
I wasn't thinking about it being Friday so I took your first words as something serious, until . . . I saw that photo.
Thank you for the Friday giggle.
Riding the Wet Coast
Boy...after looking at this pic I figure I don't need that diet after all!
If anything good from this pic, is that it show she has major confidence...and that is always good.
It's gonna be difficult to sit on your bike now....!
A chew your arm off for sure....or a 357 the next morning.
Ver good...hahahahah
Yer tellin' ME the news leaked out....HOW in God's name did ya ever get that picture of me, anyway? ;-)
Ha! Sorry if I ruined some of your breakfast's! But... come on... REALLY? Does this person not have one single friend??
Friends don't let friends walk around with their ass on their shoulders! Muwahahahaha!
Hey Gary... with an ass like this... I better practice my stunt riding!
MDJ... sorry sista... couldn't help myself!! ;}
I wonder what she wears to the beach. A tank-top or a thong?
Willy... hmmmmmm... a thank! (the cross between a thong and a tank top)
Thanks! One size fits all... almost!
I think that photo was digitally enhanced to poke fun at butt lifts. Quite literal, huh? Haha! I'm sure that doesn't really happen in real life. Several celebrities have undergone that procedure, and look at them now -- they're still famous. :)
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