We found another "cool" spot to share while we were out riding the Glides last weekend. The funny thing about this little place, is that we ride right past it every time we head down to Florida and we've never stopped to take a closer look until now.

This quaint little group of old buildings is situated just off the road about 30 miles south of Montgomery on Hwy. 231. It was featured on our local news one night that some man purchased all these structures from other areas of the county and had them moved here to this one location.
He painstakingly cleaned and restored all these old signs and gas pumps himself. As I looked around at some of this vintage memorabilia, I was swept back in time... to another place... another dimension...

... and old gas prices! Check it out!

And... something tells me there's some pretty neat of stuff sitting on that porch! The next time you find yourself riding up 231, stop by and look around. The area is open for anyone to come up and enjoy. We even looked around for "No Trespassing" signs and found none. I guess that's why the south is know for it's "southern hospitality".
Have a great week and Happy Monday everybody!
Lady R
My wife and I drove past this in Dec. It looked relly cool. I my self would have loved to stop and will one day. We had to deal with that time issue or I'd of stopped. Next time.
I love seeing places like this. They are interesting and so full of character, with undoubtedly, so many stories to tell. They are not as efficient as, say, Amazon, but I know where I would rather shop!
I'm always finding new treasures that have been right under my nose... all you have to do is look around you with fresh eyes!
Gary... we have old stores like this dappled all throughout our southern country side. I'm sorry you weren't able to include the southeast in your adventure across the US. Maybe next time!
Lady R:
I wished that we had more of these historic places around here. It seems that whenever anything is old, it gets torn down and something new is constructed. There are homestead cabins in the interior of our province but they are on private fenced land, and not accessible.
Wet Coast Scootin
Hmmmm... we have lots of them. I think there are several organizations around here that go around and "save" buildings like this under some historic preservation law. I know the Daughters of the Confederacy do a lot to save old things from being destroyed.
Very nice pics, my friend. I love the environment surrounded by trees, so quite...
Un saludo.
P.D.: now you're in my blog roll too, thanks! ;-)
yeah!!! glad to see you've got good weather!
This is the sort of thing I enjoy seeing. I've had visions of doing something like that but ya know...money. Very very cool indeed.
Ya know, I can't believe I got this behind on your blog updates, how in the heck did this happen.
Awesome pics here.There is scope that you post journalist travel pics while biking...two very interesting professions which can also be passions.
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