Do you ever wonder
where the old road goes...
as it unfolds slowly
like the the petals of a rose?

when the beauty draws you near...
deep and idling rumbles
of your motor is all you hear.
as you dismount from the seat...
the long and lazy beards
provide you shade from all the heat.
is like food for your soul...
and you ponder your good fortune
as you prepare again, to roll.
where the old road goes?
Author ~ Lady R
Very nice, even if you are writing and posting and having fun while I'm stuck in school with these little devils.
Sweet! You could do a small picture-poetry book like this. It would make a great coffee table book. I'd buy one.
I LIKE it! I know where that road goes...
Good post. It is roads like that one that makes me wonder about getting a dual sport.
Poetic words and motorcycle pictures make for a great combination. Beautifully said and photographed.
That's truly awesome Lady R. Ya know, you should do more of these poems.
I have nothing else to add, well said.
AZD... but your a lot closer to being able to say "adios". Hang in there... you'll be out on the road before long, living an entirely new lifestyle!
Mr. M... Thank you! Maybe if I get more of them together we could trade... poetry for paint! :D
Dave... can't pull anything over on you now, can we?
Motoroz... I'm sure they are fun, but I think I'll stick to places my Glide can take me. My old bones would not be happy with me.
SonjaM... Thank you! I thought it would be a fun way to show off some pictures.
Wooley... The funny thing is, I used to write poetry a lot when I was is school. For whatever reason, I got away from it until recently. My problem is, I have too much of a sense of humor and sometimes, what starts out nice and somber, turns into the comedy special. :D
Raftnn... thank you. :)
The old road is what I live for.
Welllllll, I *used to* wonder where the old road goes, but now that I don't get to RIDE anymore..... *sniff, sniff* :-(
That was pretty darn sweet.
this is wonderful LR!
Thanks for sharing your love for your father with us. I'm sure he is very proud of and looking down on you all.
Nicely put and I love the picture of the two bikes by the old house on the lonely road :-)
I love the trees too :-)
Great photos and writing. Makes me wish I was out there now instead of chained to a desk.
Billy... Like relished antiques, we have plenty of old roads around the south. :)
MDJ... Sorry to hear that! I would go batty if I didn't get to ride. I dump so much stress when I'm out on the Glide, I can't begin to imagine what I would turn into if I didn't have that outlet. Maybe you should find a rental and give yourself a therapy session. You deserve it! :)
Willy... Thanks friend. We were just out looking, trying to find some old abandoned inventory (for our new grass business!) We'll keep looking! :D
Eve... Thank you. He's my guardian angel now... couldn't ask for a better one than him.
George F... for some crazy reason, I'm in love with the way this Spanish moss hangs from the trees. It puts me into another lazy romantic era from long, long ago. (until you get a glimpse of those purty machines!) lol!
Twitch... I would rather be anywhere than chained to a desk. Ugh! Glad I was able to bring you a little spot of relief. Now... back to work! ;)
Lovely! i think you will be a good storytelling too ;-).
Un saludo.
Wow! That this is great. I can feel it.
Lady R:
You're such a romantic, a master of rhyming words. I also love that road. You're putting me to shame riding your 'Glide on those dirt roads and enjoying the hanging moss
Riding the Wet Coast
Hey Lady R
The problem with getting back to work is that I don't really have any. I have to be here 8 hours a day but can usually finish everything I need to do in about 2. The rest of the day I spend reading blogs like yours. Which is why I'm thankful for people like you who update regularly, unlike certain others who start great stories and then take weeks before they get to the next part (you know who I mean)
Freebird... Thank you my friend. But around here, they call it "bullshitting"! LOL!
Webster... Thank you!
Bobskoot... Yes... you've nailed it. I'm an incurable romantic! I grew up reading trashy romance novels where the women are strong and beautiful and the men are powerful and handsome, AND would move heaven and earth to earn her love. I was quite shocked when I realized... that was not the world I live in!
BTW... I'll let you in on a little secret that helps me stay strong... yoga. shhhh! Strengthen the core... and all else follows. ;)
Twitch... Yeah, I hear ya. Maybe that taste of snow for a half a day froze his brain up. Naaa... truth be told, he probably does this on purpose, just to f*#k with folks like us! LOL!!
To the one we are referring to...**You know who you are!!! :D
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