It's been getting busier and busier around here, but not too busy to get in a good ride Saturday. We decided it was probably our last good comfortable mid 60 degree day before the colder air finally takes hold of the south. That's okay by me... I'm ready for it! Our neighbor asked us yesterday, while we were hanging Christmas wreaths on our windows, if we winterize our bikes. Harley said sure... we wash 'em... fill 'em up... and ride 'em. Thank goodness that's the extent of our winterizing around here.
I didn't get any new pics of anything worth sharing, so I pulled out a couple favorites from my archives. These were taken by my hubby while we was enjoying the beautiful Arizona area with a couple of his good buddies a few years ago.

My pal Big Ed doesn't like it when I post pics of him on my blog, but he proved to be a perfect model for today's Pic of the Week series.
When the holiday hustle and bustle gets too overwhelming... leave everything behind and go ridin'. Life always seems better on the back of a bike.
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R
I love the second one, it's really nice, is the kind of pic i like to do when i ride with my friends, but not now :-(... all days raining, shit!...
Un saludo.
Nice, makes me want to ride, I heard it would be 27 degrees in the morning in Mississippi....
Big Al
I guess I moved too far north in Alabama LR! It was chilly and rainy Saturday. We went to a Christmas Parade at that was enough of our outdoor fun! I'm hoping to get some nice winter riding days...but not having a windscreen makes it for a chillier ride! I'm ready for spring!
^0ish sounds fine. 27 outside right now :(
Thanks for remind me AGAIN how beautiful Colorado is, I love the 2nd and 3rd pics :-) Made me miss my recent cross country trip :-(
I guess I have to start planning a new ride there ;-)
We are at 12 degrees right now and we are expecting to be 5 degrees over night. Chicago suburbs...Burrr!
You had it good weatherwise down there dang it. I was riding in thirty degree weather Saturday and the wind chill on the bike had to be near zero, least ways it felt like it.
Ah, inviting pictures. Makes me wanna ride, too. Or at least plan my next two-wheeled vacation.
Freebird... the second one is my favorite of these three also. I'm sorry for your rainy days... may you see the sun soon!
Gymor... It's 29 now, as I type. Brrr. At least the south is known for it's inconsistent weather and get some solo 50 to 60 degree days throughout the winter. Those... are ridin' days!!
Eve... It was overcast some of the time, but I guess y'all kept the rain up there. Soooo glad I have a windshield! Makes a whopping difference on cold days.
Webster... Brrrr, we caught up with ya. Only difference is... you'll keep it a lot longer than we will. I'll try to keep you fed with riding goodies throughout your hibernation! LOL!
George F... planning the next one is the only thing to do!! Ride on!
Biker Baby... my family tells me they got the first dusting of snow for the year. It didn't stick... just gave a little preview of what's to come. In the winter time is the only time I'm glad I live here. I miss the snow, but I like to go visit it when I want... then leave it! LOL!
Wooley... yes, we had it good and I know it! Harley even said, we better enjoy this day... as it may be the last really nice riding day for a while. The next few weeks will be very busy, and I don't think we'll be on the bikes much till after Christmas. I'll take off and ride on New Years Day though. Something about ringing the New Year in right. I just hope the weather that day is decent!
SonjaM... It's funny how road pics just call to us. Better get plannin'!! :)
Sweet Windy road in Pic #2. Should have named it Jealousy. 'Cause I am right now. T'is the season to live vicariously again.
Nice pics, but my vote goes to the pic over at "Keep The Rubber Side Down"
Mr. M... I'll try to bring you some good medicine during your winter hibernation. :)
Twitch... I had to go see for myself. Hmmmmm... I guess those curves ARE a little better than these. LOL!
Heck I was just happy to start mine in the garage, temps in the high 30's this evening but they have brined the roads and I didn't want to have to clean it tomorrow in the 30's a nd rain.
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