When Harley and I spent some time up at Lake Martin this past summer, we had the opportunity to see a beautiful rainbow that touched the ground from one side to the other. We stood there for a moment and enjoyed the awesome view and tried to think if we had ever seen that before.
My Christmas has been good, but a little bittersweet. Even though we're all missing my Dad, as we experience our first Christmas without him, I have been enjoying the company of my awesome mom who escaped the snow in Iowa to spend a southern holiday with Harley and I. Now, I feel so energized by her presence and love, I feel like I can tackle 2011 with a renewed attitude. I resolve to change any habits that need changing and continue to live my life to the fullest. And yes... there's motorcycles involved!
Lady R
With a renewed attitude like that you will conqure anything. Enjoy the new year to it's fullest.
May 2011 bring you special moments to carry you through a lifetime!
Happy New Year LR!
Great pics, and great perspective! I hope 2011 is a wonderful year for you and your family!
Beautiful. I hope you and Harley had a great Christmas! I wqish you a happy New Year too!
Yep, this is a good year to get rid of. Just remember to write the correct date on your checks next week ;)
Hi Lady R’s mom! Glad you got to get out of that nasty white stuff for a while. Burr!
Webster... Yepper... my mom is good medicine for me. I realize I've been dragging my feet about several things. Time to get off my ass and put that spring back in my step!
Eve... Thank you friend... and the same to you!
B.B... I hope so too. Happy New Year to you and Dave! My your life continue to be one pleasant surprise after another!
Mr. M... we did, and I will! I've been visiting your blog, just not always taking the time to comment. That is another one of my resolutions. Quit lurking! Hope your son and his band had a great concert. That is totally cool!
BTW... your tatt post... was awesome!
Willy D... We'll kick 2010 to the curb together, heh? BTW... those banks don't give a rip what you put on your checks... one time, no signature... still went through. Go figure!
Mom says Hi back and she's not missing the snow... at all! Happy New Year my friend!
Here's to more sunshine and less rain in 2011!
Irondad... I hope the weather Gods are good to you this year. Here in the hot sunny south, we have to be careful what we wish for! Happy New Year!
Lady R:
May you find your POT OF GOLD. I'm still humming that tune
Happy New Year
Wet Coast Scootin
There is a saying: "No rain, No rainbows". Hopefully seeing the rainbows is the end to the rain you had last year. Wishing you the best in 2011.
bobskoot... just as long as the lollipop kids aren't the ones humming... we're okay!
KT... same to you my friend!
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