As most of my regular readers know, my dad (Papa J) passed away on February 20th. I'm very thankful to have had a wonderful relationship with him, but coping with my loss has left me feeling like I'm on an emotional roller coaster, and it's all I can do to hang on for the ride. After being in Dubuque with my family for a couple weeks, I figured I'd be spending my first Saturday back home catching up on laundry and other house keeping chores, but Harley had other plans. He knows me better than anyone and knew I needed a break from my turmoil, so he suggested we take advantage of a pretty day and get a little road therapy. He asked if I wanted to hop on the Glides and ride along while he did some research for work, saying something about, "checking out some pans". The sun promised to play peek-a-boo with us while the temperature was lingering in the mid 60's so I thought... why the hell not!

We maneuvered through town and started heading north on Hwy. 9, a road we travel often, when I noticed the first one. There it was, like a brand new addition to the landscape, even though I remember seeing it there before... a nice big John Deere mailbox, shaped like a tractor. For some reason, as I rode by it today, it stood out and made me take notice of it. It's brilliant green and gold paint, glimmering in the sunlight, caught my attention and made my heart skip a beat followed by that all too familiar "punch in the gut" pain that has been plaguing me of late.
(I'll explain a little history here, so the rest of my story will make sense to you. After many hard working years, my dad retired from John Deere Dubuque Tractor Works. He loved to collect John Deere memorabilia as well as stock his garage with various outdoor John Deere products. In my father's house... green and gold represented pride and quality. As children, we grew up believing in the Gospel according to John: Nothing runs like a Deere!)
Seeing the mailbox started a flood of memories and thoughts that seemed to swish around in my head like a wash tub full of water. As I pondered these thoughts and tried to put things in order, we traveled just a couple more miles down the road before I saw another one. It was on the other side of the road this time and not quite as big as the first one. Much more worn out, but another one just the same... a John Deere mailbox.

As my mind kept focusing on these objects of familiarity, I became instantly gratified. I realized, as I rode that day... my dad was with me, and noticing all these reminders of him was comforting. In my heart and mind, he will always be with me, and this day was no exception.
It felt good to be on my Glide again and I decided to let all the stresses of life blow off with the wind. I continued to follow my fearless leader as we made our way on some beautiful highways during our Saturday afternoon adventure. The brown of winter is starting to fade and soon the brilliant color of Spring will wash over the landscape.
After a couple hundred miles of enjoyable riding with John Deere and the "scrap man", I felt content with the world. All I can say right now is... Life is good!
Lady R
Ride on!
(Disclaimer: the photos used in this post were copied from web.)
I believe your dad was with you on that trip. Riding again with his baby girl. Letting you know it is all well. Taking that stress away from his little girl. Letting you know daddy is always with you. Lost my hero my mother 12 years past. But every time I see a humming bird or hear the Twist by Chubby Checkers I know my mother is there telling me it's ok.
All I can say Lady R., is What a great ride:)
Sometimes it just takes a push into the direction you need to be in. You made a great day of it and it was worth every memory secoond! Happy for you having a refreshing day.
Wow Lady R...what a touching tale you told. Tugged at my heart! Your Pops was so with you that day. That's why you noticed all those things. He's there to watch over you now, each and every day.
I totally understand the Gospel according to John. My Father retired from PEC in Waterloo after 34 yrs. To this day if I see a tractor and it isn't Green and Gold I turn my nose up at it. John Deere was good to my family and it taught me a level of respect for farmers.
Anyway...thank you so much for your wonderful story. I think it's a good healing thing that you post these tributes to your Father. I haven't lost a parent yet but I'm sure it rips your heart right out. Big Hugs, Di!
Webster... It's kind of funny how we suddenly find comfort in those certain things... Humming birds and John Deere tractors for instance. I'm sure your mom was a wonderful lady and I can appreciate and understand how difficult is to be without her. I guess in time, for me it will get better too. It just sucks in the meantime. :(
Mr. M... Glad you liked it. We went out again yesterday and logged around 280 miles. I'll have to figure out what I can say about that one. It was a beautiful day and a really nice ride!
KT... Thanks! I'm glad the day ended up being as reflective as it was. I get overwhelmed at times, and I'll start feeling like I'm not the person I know I can be. I wear my feelings on my sleeves a lot and basically, I needed to get out and release some energy. It was good medicine for me.
Steph... I hope it's a long, long, long time before you have to experience it. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've had to endure in my life so far.
But, it's like my brother said... our pain is a gift. It's BECAUSE of the love we received from our dad... is why it hurts so bad. Not everyone can say they had that kind of relationship with their parents. We were very fortunate.
I know with time... my pain will turn into joy as I continue to talk about him and share him with others. It's my way of keeping him alive and close to me... always in my heart.
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