While doing some yard work recently, I noticed this lone standing dandelion and it actually stopped me in my tracks. I stood there and looked down at it and wondered... just where did you really come from?
When I was a kid, these fuzzy white dandelions were a resource for many of my childhood wishes. Besides blowing out my birthday candles, I could blow on a dandelion and know, as the hundreds of tiny white parachutes floated away across the yard, my wishes would come true. It was just a matter of time. Little did I know I was contributing to the migration and inundation of... weeds!!
If anyone has tried to rid their yard of dandelions, I'm sure you'll agree that it's more fun to think of these pesky plants as wish makers. I looked down at this little guy, trying to decide if I was going to do it or not. I know I'm grown, but some things you just don't outgrow. I looked around to see where Harley was. He must've taken a wheel barrel load out to the street, because he wasn't anywhere around. I looked down at it again... and pondered. With a quick movement of determination, I swooped down, plucked that bad boy up, closed my eyes and blew...
The wishes of my childhood differ greatly from the wishes I wished for that day. Gone are the pleas for new puppies and cute kittens, a Ken for my Barbie, or even a school year full of snow days.
My wishes today would be of sunny skies and warm temperatures, no traffic and good restaurants.
Bridges over rivers...
Long and winding roads...
... and my soul mate to share it with.
It's funny how we change. What about you?
What do you wish for? phfooooooooooooooo...
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R
Funny how when we are children little things like a dandelion can be enchanting.
As we get older, some of us lose our capacity for joy and enchantment.
Such a shame, that loss.
When I do some kid thing like that uptight people frown down on me, But I don't care. A weed can be any plant, a rose, a tree, a stalk of corn. A weed is a weed when it's where you don't want it to be. Dandelions, as you probably know but some don't, is quite edible and rich in vitamins plus has medicinal properties. Strange how we have free food growing right in our yards yet we go hungry. And the flowers are pretty to me and I do, I do like to blow on them after they've gone to seed.
(I still remember my brother shooting them at me too)
Sounds like the perfect wishes.
Love the dandelion photo too. They used to be wildflowers but in lawns they are now weeds.......
Years ago I'm rebuilding the outside celler doors. This man stops by from a Lawn care service. Well my defence kicks in. Dad being a salesman always said "You get them to stick their foot in their mouth you have the fish by the hook so reel them in." Well I listen and then I said. "Yeah it's bad this year see Mr. Camps yard is dead so are those over there." He say's "They sure are." Well mine is all green. His response. "It's all crap grass and danderlions." Yeap BUT it's green! He left. Hope you twl love birds had a gtreat ride.
Well, I'm a little slow on the uptake, I guess, but I just saw this post and loved it.
I used to love your blog and you haven't posted in over a year.
So I am going to ask, are you ok?
Did you just get tired of posting?
The on-line "community" is an odd one...something can happen to one of us and the word never gets out, so I am asking.
I do hope things are ok for you.
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