Most of my regular readers know that, in addition to our regular attendance for Thunder Beach weekend in Panama City, I'm part of an elite group of women that celebrate the Kentucky Derby every year. I have lots to share with you, and for today's Pic Of The Week, I thought I'd post this years winners.
Stella wins Best Overall with her matching Derby purse, Shooter tops us all with the Best Shoes, I earn the privilege of hosting next years party by winning the Best Hat, and the Rainmaker wins hands down with the Best Gloves. And of course congratulations also needs to go to Super Saver for taking the roses!
I had a great time as usual and I plan to bring you the whole low down... soon, but I'm tired and need to catch up on everything, including answering your comments from my Friday's
Eat, Drink and be Merry post.
Have a great Monday everybody!
Lady R
Pretty in red I'd say. What a hand full of beautiful Lady's.
FABULOUS!!! and personally, i love the shoes :)
I had a great time myself at a rockin Derby party this weekend.
Glad to see you ladies were in exceptional form as usual.
Webster... Thank you! I love my red hat. I can't wait to wear it again somewhere.
Mq01... Shooter looked very nice in her "f%#k me" shoes! They were hot! LOL!
Dean... I knew you enjoyed the Derby each year too. One of these days it would be nice to have a mixed party, but I'd have to divorce my girlfriends first... they'd kill me!
You should add a new twist; After the race, get on your iron horses and take a spin around town in your Derby outfits. I’d pay to see that!
Willy... I was going to get a pic of my on the Glide before we left, but as usual... we were running late... and we had the ice!
I agree... it would be a hoot, but there's only about 5 of us Derby girls who could pull that off. The rest could only be bystanders. :(
Congratulations to this years winners. I know the ladies can't wait until next year to enjoy the festivities at your house.
Ride Safe,
Wow, can you believe that this is my third time reading about your Derby Parties! Awesome. I still want to be the cabana boy at one of these.
You ladies look stellar....grrrr...if I was solo I would take on all four of you at one time!
What are f@ck me shoes?.....heh
Ronman... Thank you! I would love to have all the ladies at my house. I have plenty of room and I think it would be awesome. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to expect all of them to travel 200 miles for the party. I'm the only one (besides the occasional visiting family member of one of the regulars) who doesn't live there in Panama City. But not to worry, I have a few venue options on where to have the Derby Party next year. It will still be the bomb... I'll make sure of that!
BTW... Don't wait till the last minute to bring us that bottle of Jack you keep promising! LOL!
Dave... Better be careful... have you ever been chewed up and spit out? We may look sweet and demure, but there's a viciousness that lies in wait for the unknowing. Muwahahahaha!
"F%#k Me" shoes;... shoes that make other women who see you wearing them say with envy and jealousy in their voice... "F%#k me!" and men who see you wearing them say with longing and lust in their voice... "I'd like to f%#k her!"
Hence the name... F%#k Me shoes! LOL!
Wish I could wear them... but I'd probably end up with a twisted ankle and smashed face. I guess I'll stick to boots... I can handle them. ;)
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