I thought it would be fun to get my readers to help me with this one. I've been trying to come up with a clever caption for this picture, and all I can think of are smart ass observances that would probably make the woman in this picture knock me into next week!
What do you think? What comes to
YOUR mind when you see this...
(CAPTION ???...)
Have a nice week everybody!
Lady R
Never put hot sauce in chile!
Lady Di:
Ahhhh, that feels better, should have bought a larger thong . . .
Riding the Wet Coast
My Flickr // My YouTube
hey, there's no door, this isnt the bathroom, ugh...
“Damn wet farts! Knew I should‘a worn underwear”.
Great Captions everybody!! I love knowing I'm not the only one with humorous (and warped!) thoughts when I look at this lady.
My caption was...
Damn... Why am I sticking to this rock?
Thanks for helping me out! :)
Wow! This thing does vibrate.
Dear Lady "R:"
Is it too late to enter mthe caption contest?
"Help! That son of a bitch velcro-ed my ass to this monument — Again!"
Fondest regards,
Twisted Roads
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