Welcome to "Chimney Rock"... one of the coolest hangouts for boater's and thrill seekers on Lake Martin. This is kind of like going to bike night... on the water. It gives lake lovers a chance to float around and check out each others vessels (yes, I'm biting my tongue right now! LOL!) while you watch the young and the invincible earn their braggin' rights by climbing up this famous rock, and bravely jump off to the water below.

(If you look closely, you can see a girl entering the water.)
I loved being able to cruise around Lake Martin on the pontoon. It brought back so many memories of when we had ours and this weekend didn't do anything to curb Harley's desire to get another one. I reminded him of how fun the Sea Doo was and he said... "I can do that on the motorcycle... I want a boat!"

Thanks to Harley's uncle, we spent the whole weekend on the water and it was absolutely fabulous! It was the first time I played on a Sea Doo (I previously thought they were Jet Ski's, but hey... who's countin'!) and I had a blast. I'll post pics and story for ya real soon!
Until then... I hope you all have a great week!
Lady R
Oh to have a boat!!!
Looks like great fun...on the boat...I doubt you would catch me jumping off like those kids! Have you heard of Jim Scott's garden on Lake Martin? It would be a dream for me to go see his beautiful piece of this planet. All built by his own hands!
Have a great week Lady R and Harley!
Sounds like you both had great fun. I take you did not jump from the rocks. We all know you would not go too far under what with those floaters and all. ;)
Damn Girl, you guys do live the good life. Biking, boating, photographing.....Life is great in Sweet Home Alabama!!!
But, now I'm thinking I need a pontoon.
PS; I couldn't spell the first time I tried. Sorry.
Makes me want to go to the lake! Lake Martin reminds me of Greers Ferry Lake here in Arkansas. I jumped off the cliff twice there and decided that was enough. It was too much trouble to climb all the way back up to jump again!
Sounds like a blast! Glad you had a good weekend, mine was spent at work...something to do with having taken two and a half weeks off...blah blah blah.
Jumping off a cliff into some water?!?!
Now you're talking my language!
Glad to hear you had a good time-looks beautiful--also really enjoyed Look-out Mt. Blog-you make everyone want to see that(even us Yankee's)On edge today but will talk to you later about that. Take care Your friend EM
Eve... I loved having a boat, but I love having my motorcycle more! I think as long as Uncle lets us come and enjoy it from time to time, I'm good for now. (Unless we win the lottery, then "Sweetwater"... here we come!)
Webster... Are you kidding? I'd be coming out of the water with two black eyes for sure! LOL!
AZD... Yes, life is good. It's been 6 years since we've been on a boat and we had some great flashbacks this weekend while talked about all the fun we used to have on ours.
There's no doubt, we've got the "pontoon fever", but I imagine this fall and winter when it's too cold to be out on the water in a boat, we'll be enjoying the great riding weather on the bikes. We'll be okay then... till next summer! LOL!
Kickstart... That's what I say! Why doesn't some wonderful handyman put a ladder or steps up that thing! LOL!
I was thinking of jumping, but I'd already had a few Bloody Marys and I figured I'd probably fall off before I got to the top! Geesh! That would suck!
B.B... blah, blah, blah. Demanding, aren't they? :} Going back to work after some nice time off is the worst! One of these days I'm going on a big vacation... for the rest of my life!
Dean... Yeah... it definitely sounds like something I would do too. Unfortunately, this very spot claims the life, or physical health of at least 3 to 5 people each summer. But, knowing that, it still doesn't deter the daring. So... JUMP IF YOU DARE!!
EM... Yepper... even you Yankees would like Lookout Mountain, AND you would have LOVED the lake. Maybe next time, we'll get you up here with us.
Glad to hear about your good news!! See you Friday... for real this time! LOL!
We have a boat and it always seems that we have to choose, boat...bikes. We had the boat out one time last year...too much rain and it was unseasonably cool last summer. The year before that, we had it out twice. This year with Rich's hours cut, my lay off and the cost of school...not to mention the upcoming wedding in Cali. By the time we fill up the boat and truck with gas and put insurance on it we are at $250. That's a big expense to only use it once a year.
We almost sold it this year...we are hoping I have a job next summer and he still has his.
Biker Baby... When we had our own pontoon, it came equipped with a ten enclosure, so we would spend entire weekends on a boat. At night, we'd drop anchor back in a little slue and sleep like a baby. I think Harley is missing those days.
Gotta win the lottery!!
Looks like a good time. I thought the walls on that cliff looked really cool with their coloring and all, then I clicked on the picture to reveal it was all graffiti.
Sweet! I wanna' jump hippied rock! I mis my jetski sometimes.
Fun, Fun, Fun! When I first logged onto your page I thought it said Lake Martini. I was like...that's my kinda lake! LOL I told Dan the other day that we need to make a trip to Bama because all the photos and posts that LadyR writes make the state look and sound amazing!!!!!
I was going to say you are to jump feet first. Then the gray kicked in for by blonde roots. Your funny.
A nice breather from the hot asphalt. Looks like a great time and again, a beautiful location.
Mr. M... Chimney Rock has been receiving those artistic autographs for many years now. I'll try to find an old pic of this rock and compare the difference the years made... graffiti sure changed a lot since "Kilroy was here".
Dave... I rode it like I stole it! Shhh... don't tell the ol' girl. She wasn't allowed to go. More on that later. :)
IHG... Lake Martini!! LOL! Could you imagine that? I could probably "accidentally on purpose" fall in and swallow lots of Lake water... on a regular basis! Woo Hoo!
"Geesh... thish shwimin' thang is reeel funnnn." (hic)
Come on down... see for yourself! :)
Webster... errr... I was jumping in feet first! LOL! I'm so glad you didn't make me 'splain it to ya. ;D
KT... it WAS a very nice breather from the hot asphalt and we did have TONS of fun, but I still don't think I would trade one for the other. Not yet anyway!
Lady R,
May I use your Chimney Rock photo on the UAB Sustainability website demonstrating the "people" aspect of People, Planet, Profit (Triple Bottom Line definition of sustainability)? The website is non-commercial and intended only for educational and instructional purposes. I will credit the photo however you want.
J. David Hagan
Director, Environmental Management Programs
University of Alabama at Birmingham
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