He had an accident Saturday. He will be okay... after some road rash, a bruised lung and four broken ribs heal.
He also got a bruise on his brain. After two CT scans, we've been given the okay from the Nuero Surgeon that he is clear. If he hadn't have been wearing his brain bucket... I would've been planning a funeral.
We love riding our bikes and we always wear helmets. I'm so thankful we feel strongly about this. All I've got to say... is it saved his life.
It's your fun and your life... you decide.
Lady R
Sorry to hear about Harley, very very glad he is ok. Yes helemt saves lives, still strange how so many people wont wear one. Broken ribs hurt, been there and done that. Look after him.
Im sold... Never again without a Brain Bucket. Love ya Lady R, and Tell Harley I said Hi and get better before I have to come visit, and I will bring all my kids too.. LOL
Lady R:
Sorry about Harley, but luckily he has you to take care of him Thankfully his helmet did the job.
I can't imagine what may have been going through your head, if you had been riding together, and had witnessed the whole thing .
take care . . .
Riding the Wet Coast
Good to know he will heal. I always wear my helmet. When in those states that don't my friends think I'm odd(well I am) for wearing it. Now some folks here will know why it's good to wear one.
That's what my glide looked like after my last much so that I freaked for a second when I saw the picts. The Eebee Geebees' came back suddenly.
Best wishes and prayers going out to you both. Glad he is still around the tell the story...that's all that matters. After he's up and around again I would be interested to find out what happened. Knowledge is power yah' know. Harley is a tough dude...just tell him not to take deep breaths. (oooohhh ouchy ouchy)
oh shit! thankfully he's ok!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been looking over these pics like mad trying to figure out what happened. did he go airborne or upside down? freeway speed?
for many of us...this is who we are, and its what we do, its the risk we face being on 2 wheels. matter of fact, all of us that have been down are 1)feeling you both today and 2)feeling for you both today!
thoughts and prayers going out for a speedy recovery!
Its good to hear he will be okay after seeing the damage on the bike and the helmet. I agree with you, I do wear one and have gone without one twice...and it just felt too uncomfortable.
I believe in choice and after seeing these pics, it affirms my right to continue to wear a helmet.
Hey Harley. I know you’re in pain, but look on the bright side. I bet you can talk your live-in nurse into a nice warm sponge bath :)
Oh shit! Glad to hear that he wears a helmet. The bike looks in bad shape. Wishing speedy recovery to Harley, I am sure he will be in good hands.
Glad that's Harley's relatively unscathed. I know the value of a good helmet from personal experience. I've only really come off once in my time (not counting the stupid extremely low speed/stationery falls) and landed smack dab right on my head, cracked the helmet but had no damage to my head/brain (unless you ask my wife, but that's another story). You won't find me going out without a helmet since then.
I almost cried when I read this post. Sheesh, I'm glad Harley is okay, but how scarey! I've always been an advocate for helmet wear (and also the choice). I choose to wear one always...just in case. Give him my support and prayers.
take it slow and good health is on the horizon.....I hope you are both doing well.
Scary! Glad he's going to be ok. Don't forget to take care of yourself during his recovery!
I wish this was an April Fools joke or something. Holy crap! I'm glad he's gonna make it O.K. to ride another day.
Best regards.
Damn...and now that "ridin' weather" is here, too :-( But thankfully, there'll be plenty more to come :-) once the "recoup 'n regroup" period is over 'n done with.
I began ridin' in a no helmet state (CT) as a young teen and I ALWAYS rode without one....until I moved to this hellhole (NY) damn near 30 years ago and HAD to. I still can't get used to wearin' them suckers on my head (but now that I don't gotta bike anymore....) :-( yet I DO comprehend the necessity for 'em in today's rapid-transit world. Back in my CT days when I did the majority of ridin' it was much, much different.
And DAMMIT, I wanna go BACK to those good ol' days, oh yes I DO!! LOL
Thank goodness he was wearing a helmet. Wish Harley a speedy recovery but with you as a nurse I'm sure he will soon be back on the road. The other Harley can be replaced if needed. Take care of yourself too.
Glad he was wearing a helmet. Like the others here I have thrown away a (fullface) helmet-that met its match-when the chin bar hit the center stripe of the road (sadly lacking photos for ABCD :)).
Knowing that he (and you) will both be ok is a relief, can't wait to see his next ride!!
Dear Lady Ridesalot:
Regardless of what happened, this story has the best of all endings as Harley is going to be okay. The bike looks like it took a pretty good shot, and the helmet tells the story of a slide. I sense someone got hit by a car.
I am thrilled that Harley was wearing a helmet, though his ribs are going to remind him of this day for the next two or three months at least. I am delighted that you were not ridng right next to him, when this tragedy unfolded... (Or maybe you were.)
God bless the two of you...
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Wishing a speedy recovery to the Mr. Take care of yourself too pretty lady.
Speedy recovery wished to Harley! The pictures show a terrible tale (how in the world did the top of the saddlebag get road rash!?!) and luckily it was mostly the bike. Best wishes and good recovery.
Sorry to hear of Harley's accident, but glad to know he'll be ok. Best wishes and hopefully he'll have a full and speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Most important...he is ok.
I don't wear a helmet because I have never found one that doesn't make me feel like the wind is trying to lift me off the bike and isn't hot and sweaty. Plus, I can't hear cars coming around me with a helmet on. I probably just have the wrong helmet. The only time I use it is on cold days and when I'm in a state that requires it.
It's a personal choice...glad Harley choose wisely.
Everything is gonna be ok, my friend...
Un abrazo.
Hey know I've been praying for you two! Hope Harley is on the mend. I'm glad too that you and he feel so strongly about wearing those brain buckets. Hugs to you my friend! This too shall pass and you'll be posting some more of your fabulous ride photos!!!
I wanted to thank all of you for your wonderful and supportive comments. I've been telling Harley that he's got folks all around the world pulling for his speedy recovery.
He's doing very well and may be able to come home at the end of this week. Time will tell. Once I get him home, maybe I'll be able to stay home too! Shew!
It's been a very trying week, but we are thinking positive and looking forward... not back.
I hope to get back into the swing of writing soon. I've got lots to talk about. :)
I'm glad you both wear your helmets. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
Holy cripes. I just read this. So happy to learn everyone will be alright.
I always wear a Helmet, always, by choice. Just look at those scuffs and think what might have been. Scary.
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