Author's note: To all the Derby girls... sorry this is so late, but here it is. Finally. Enjoy!
What does a biker chick do when she's not riding her bike? Why, frolic with the fillies, of course! Some of you may remember the annual Kentucky Derby party I attended and posted about last Spring called
The Derby Challenge. To my delight, the Spring Thunder Beach Rally is also held during the first weekend in May, at Panama City, Florida... my second home, away from home.
Following the annual rally at Holt
(shew!), this second of a back to back weekend of high energy fun is a challenge in itself. But hey, I have four days to get my sh*t together and put my party hat back on and dive in for round two! A Friday night of "Happy Hour" that usually carries on long past an hour, followed by a big day of fashion competition, mint juleps (or beer!) and oh... a little friendly "pay and play" of the horses too!

Playing dress up is usually a little girls favorite thing to do, and I guess we never really grow out of it. We just manage to keep it in check some how. Or do we? That must be another reason I like riding motorcycles so much... I can dress up in leather, and no one is the wiser! One of the rules of the party is... dress as you like, but your attire
must include a hat and gloves. We have fun with this and hold contests for who has "The Best of..." Hat, Gloves, and Shoes. We give a special award for the "Best Overall", and we always end up passing out a "Horse's Ass" award too. You just never know what a little friendly competition brings, when your dealing with a bunch of sweet southern ladies!

Red Light Roxanne won "The Best Hat" last year so she was the hostess with the mostess for our Derby Challenge of 2009. She goes all out when preparing for an event, and this party was no exception. We laughed at her rendition of what the Derby hostess should look like, in her "Maid to Derby" ensemble. You can always count on Red Light Roxanne to take it to the extreme, but a good time was guaranteed to be had! Woo Hoo!

We rolled out the "Red Carpet" for our competition platform, and everyone took their turn strutting their stuff. You can just imagine how fun and funny a bunch of ladies can be, when we decide to get our "freak" on. Especially when we don't have any reason to be shy here! As I've stated before, this is a ladies only event (with the exception of the bartender, Mr. Ed, who's harmless!), so there's no reason to hold back. And some didn't! Woo Hoo... oops!
(Sorry folks, private joke here) Let's just say that the moon comes out at funny times... even daytime!
Without further ado, take a gander at this years winners.
Best Hat (The Marvelous Ms. M)
Best Gloves (Dancing Queen)
Best Shoes (Sweet As Honey)
Best Overall (Crazy Chick)
Our Beloved Horse's Ass
Due to the sensitive nature of our Horse's Ass Award, the recipient wishes to remain anonymous. Truth be known... if it were'nt for her, we wouldn't even have this category! LOL! We Love you!! ;)

By time the horses are in the gate and the race actually starts, we've been in full swing for a couple hours, so we are primed and ready for action. I mentioned at the beginning of this post, that we "pay and play" for the winning horse. In order of fairness, we draw the horse numbers out of a hat, so it's really just a game of chance. Red Light Roxanne's sister was another first timer at our little party, and lucky for her... she had drawn the winning horse!

Congratulations to the Elder YaYa! She looks pretty happ
Here's a little something I put together I like to call...
DOWN AND DERBY!I just love these ladies and my time with them is such a treat! I look forward to my Derby Challenge each year, and I am always trying to come up with a great "outfit" for the occasion. Maybe next year, I'll have to go as the Lady in Black... Black Leather that is!

Until next year... party on sistas!
Lady R