I went to Panama City Beach for Thunder
Rain... I mean the Thunder Beach Spring Bike Rally last weekend, and in spite of the weather conditions (cold and rainy), I had a really great time. But, any time spent with good friends is usually a great time to me. Besides, it's not like it rained the whole weekend... just 50 % of it (rolling her eyes and laughing... laughing like a hyena... laughing at her own sense of demented humor) .
It wasn't all that bad. Harley went down the day before, but I had to work, so I took off about 9:00 Friday morning to join up with him and our friends. I had a really nice ride down, complimented by the continuous aroma of honeysuckle (my favorite Spring fragrance) and didn't get into any rain until I got near the beach. Apparently, it had been raining there since Thursday and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Everything and everyone, from the Sand Piper to Patches was hunkered down and fighting boredom while they waited out the weather.
The house we stayed at had a nice big covered porch, so we could all be outside without getting wet. That kept the cabin fever down to a minimum, but even in spite of our laughter and story telling, it was still a bummer to be sitting... and not riding.
Lady R... holding her front porch position. |
Eventually my group, as big and scary as they are, (picture Phil and Si Robertson... with beers) turned to the Hallmark Channel. Yep. You read that right folks... Hallmark. I kind of wondered about this because earlier in the day, we had watched "Case #39" with Renee Zelleweger, and if any of you have seen that movie, you know it's a big flip from the kinds of movies you'll find on... the Hallmark Channel.
They tried to blame it on me and said they were just being nice. Hmmmmm... that was their story and they were sticking to it! They just figured I'd want to watch a chick flick, so... we just turned it into a contest to see who would let the others see them cry first. We pinky swore that the results would go with us to our graves (wink).
Saturday afternoon, around 1:00 the sun finally broke through and started drying up the beach. One motor turned into two... then five. Before you knew it, the streets came to life with the sounds of motorcycles of all kinds.Yeah! Thunder Beach!
It only took a couple hours to figure out everybody else was just as happy to get out and about, because every street that went anywhere near the rally venues, became slow moving parking lots. Good grief! It was insane! Luckily, my local pals knew how to navigate us around some of the madness, but it was still such a cluster f#*%, if you know what I mean.
In spite of it all, we had a safe and fun weekend and got to see several of our friends. Our ride home Sunday was a pretty one, so I guess you can say it makes up for some of the sittin'. And even though Panama City and Panama City Beach is like a second home for us, it's always good to pull into the garage and realize you are blessed... Home sweet home.
Being extra tired after weekend like this, Harley and I settled in our chairs and figured a nap was just around the corner. He picked up the remote and asked what I wanted to watch. I thought for a minute and a slow smile of remembrance appeared on my lips as I asked... What's on the Hallmark Channel?
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R