I'm very fortunate to have spent much recreational time on this local body of water and I never tire of looking at it.
We had a cold weekend last week, but the temps climbed right back up to the 80's this past Saturday. The skies were such a splendid shade of blue, it made the reds and yellows of the changing foliage pop out in sharp contrast.

tomorrow... GO VOTE!!
Lady R
P.S. On a side note... I would like to apologize to my readers who have left me comments on several of my last posts. I've been very busy with some projects here at home and at my church, that I have neglected you all without responding to any of them. I just want you to know, I have read them all, and I hope to respond to them soon. Please know how much I appreciate your following my blog, even if I don't show my gratitude any better than I have. Thank you!
Great photos & I have already voted. Good reminder.
Beautiful photos. Such vivid colors.
I always look forward to starting my week this your Monday morning post. Thank you. And being busy is a good thing....right!
We know you still love us even when your ignoring us all. That's just the way family is sometimes.
All y'all lady bloggers are putting up such spectacular fall photos.
Oh yes, I voted early this past Saturday
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