Down in front: Crazy Chick continued her reign for Best Overall.
Mine That Bird wasn't the only winner during last Saturday's Kentucky Derby Festivities. I know this is a motorcycle blog, but my annual Derby Challenge is one party worth mentioning. I have a lot of fun with this unique group of ladies, and I want to give credit where credit is due. These chicks can party!! Woo Hoo!
These last two weekends have kept me very busy, but I have lots to post about so stay tuned. Have a nice Monday everybody!
Lady R
Looking forward to reading all about your adventures.
word verification: phograph...really. :)
What a great shot of some lovely ladies. Tell Crazy Chick if I had of been there she would've been staying right where she was at on that red carpet for a while! Damn! Now that I've hung by the sidelines for the second year in a row as you have your double-weekend Holt/Derby blowout, I know that like AZ, AL is a place destined for a visit by the Joker someday. Anybody who thrives on so much fun, hangs around with all these good looking women who like to party...oh yeah and you're a biker too...is somebody I need to have me a mint julep with!
BTW...when you do your Derby Day, I'm gonna guess you must all take a guess at who'll win? Does anybody place a friendly wager among the group? If so, who won?
Looking forward to reading more about it. Sorry I couldn't bartend like I had wanted to but I had my own derby party to attend.
Maybe put it on the list for next year?
Whoo hoo! Great pic, can't wait for all the details!
Cool...very cool..looks like you had a ball
I gotta ask. Who’s on the horsy in the back?
what a great looking bunch of chicks, and Ms M...i love her hat!!! :)
Ann... Your word veri... LOL! By defaul, I've been designated the "official" photographer for our little party. We had fun and I'll bring you some stories soon. I still have to finish posting about the rally too!
Joker... AL is definitely a place you want to visit. The thing about the double weekends though, it reminds me how old I'm getting. LOL! (Shew!)
You asked about our little wager for the Derby? When you arrive to the party, you put $5.00 in a hat and draw for a horse. The gal that drew the winning horse, wins the $100.00. Red Light Roxanne's sister came for her first Derby party and won the $$. She was quite excited! There may be a few side bets also, but since I'm not a follower of the horses, I just put my clams in a hat and hope for the best. :)
Dean... I hope you had fun at yours! Our was a blast as usual. As far as tending our bar. You sure missed your opportunity for a great afternoon. Instead, we had a pretty nice guy named Ed. How ironic that "Mr. Ed" was the bartender for the Derby Party. LOL!
BTW... he went home with almost $300.00 working our little party. Not a bad gig if you ask me.
B.B. and Baron... I'm glad I can relax for a couple days and not have to unpack and repack. I'm working on some posts, and hopefully I'll get some rally candy up before the weeks over.
Willy... That's our own personal jockey we rented for the party.... LOL! It's just a poster of a horse and jockey we taped to the pole. But if we could...
mqo1... We had a good time, and yes, the hat was pretty cool... until it fell in the pool. It kind of lost it's "fluff" after that. LOL!
I'm gonna get ripped and crash this party someday. That's all I'm gonna say.
I'll be the cabana boy and derby slave for a day.
Dave... Oh oh! Now you've done it. When the girls read this comment, your gonna make them start chompin' at the bit.
I would feel terrible if anything bad happened to you. I can hear the that song "Man Eater" playing in my head, while I imagine you strolling innocently into the fray of wild and crazy ladies! LOL!
Any time your ready for a challenge, come on down! You'd definitely have something to write home about! ;)
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