Emerald Coast Bike Fest 2009 - Going to rallies are all about fun, motorcycles and the camaraderie between fellow bikers. During the day there's plenty to see, with the drag races, the bike show, and vendors galore. But, when the sun goes down and the night sets in... the real fun starts!

Okay... okay! I guess I've been teasing you long enough. Let's move on to what you've all been waiting for.
The music of Geneva peals into the night, as if inviting those within earshot to migrate closer to the center stage and appease their curiosity. As the crowd gathered, you could see smiles on faces and hear laughter in voices while the mood of high spirits took hold. The vibration and energy coming from the stage was infectious as the band set the tempo for an evening of festive revelry ahead.
X-Rated humor is the norm at most rallies. It's a common understanding that, if nudity and dirty language offend you... don't come! Otherwise, keep it light, don't take it personal and have a great time! Take the "BOOB-A-METER" for instance. Who wouldn't want one of these! Woo Hoo!

"Sugar" the bull has been around for many rallies and she didn't disappoint at this one. One contestant after another, challenged "Sugar" to give them the ride of their life... but alas, "Sugar" gave the onlookers the show of
their life. She would slowly twist and turn and pretend to throw off her challengers, but in her infinite wisdom, she kept the riders on her back just long enough for the crowd to enjoy the show. Surprisingly, even though "Sugar" was moving quite sedately, their clothes still seemed to just fly off.

Sorry for the blurry zoom and no close ups, but some of you may remember, last year some jack-hole wanted to whip my ass for squeezing up front for some pics. Hand Grenades and Moonshine have a way of mixing up bravado with stupidity, so I decided to stay out of trouble this time.

The wet T-Shirt Contest is another favorite highlight,
(other than real bike stuff) at most rallies. In between belting out some great biker rock songs, Geneva herself called out to all the ladies in the crowd to come on up and claim their fame and show the ta ta's. Hot chicks and wet t-shirts... anyone interested?
I guess that's the cool thing about biker chicks... they ain't shy!

Oh, oh... where did the t-shirts go??

We were enjoying the show and cheering for our favorite, when a different jack-hole decided to show us all he had loud pipes
(and a little pecker!). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE loud pipes, but not in the middle of a crowd of other bikers, who probably have pipes just as loud as yours! My only problem with him, was how he had a complete disregard for those of us who were directly behind him and his parked custom chopper.
His ol' lady
(or someone he knew) was a contestant, and every time the MC held his hand over her head to get the crowd to cheer their vote, this dude would start his bike and throttle up... loud and hard! Since we were standing around right behind him, we kept getting pelted with dust from his exhaust, not to mention the ear splitting noise he was creating. After the fourth time of doing this, the crowd around him started getting a little peeved, and I kept waiting for a fight to break out! Even the MC yelled out to the crowd, "Hey man, don't blow that motor!" When that was said, the crowd cheered a little as if to say, "blow the damn thing and shut it up!"
Well, it didn't blow, and his girl didn't win, but this dude obviously annoyed a lot of folks. As soon as the contest ended and the crowd started to dissipate, this one woman, more mature in her years,
walked right up to him and stood fast, shaking her finger in his face while giving him a piece of her mind. You go sista! She was probably telling him what a little pecker he had!
Other than that, it was all good! Night life at the rally carried on... long into the night.

On another note; I need to give kudos where kudos are due. As the evening rolled on, I took a hit from a grenade, and my camera abilities were pretty much shot. I was having a great time though and thankfully, my good pal Details was happy to bail me out with pics
HE took during the wet t-shirt contest. And more thanks go to my friend Darlin' for emailing them to me, so I could share them with you. Shew! Thanks guys!
Coming up next:
Have a nice weekend everyone! Ride on and ride safe!
Lady R