Four years ago, I started this blog because I wanted a creative outlet for sharing my thoughts and experiences as a woman rider. It's been a hell of a ride since, and actually, I'm surprised I'm still here. In the beginning, I was advised by many to keep my privacy in check and write under a pen name or other fictitious alter ego. I realize that keeping ourselves protected from the evildoers of the net, needs to be on the forefront of all our minds, so there I was, trying figure out what I was going to call myself. After much thoughtful consideration, it dawned on me, that when I moved from the pillion position to riding my own, I couldn't get enough road time, hence the birth of my blog name... Lady Ridesalot.
I enjoyed being Lady R and it was fun creating nicknames for the all characters in my life while sharing my stories and adventures. If you're a regular reader to my blog, you also know that I have been going through many changes lately. While some doors are closing, there are new ones opening up, and for the sake of credibility, it's time for the cloak of secrecy to come off.
In the interest of reality and real life, I would like to introduce myself...

"Hi! My name is Dianna. It's nice to officially meet you."
I'm sure I'll still post some stuff as Lady R, but I wanted to quit hiding behind her, and join the party as me for a while. I know... kind of scary, huh?
Now... moving on...
As I posted Sunday, I entered in a fiction Writer's Contest through
Indies Unlimited. It was a fun little exercise and I hope I can learn from it. My goal is to hone and perfect my writing skills so it can escort me down this new path I have chosen for myself.
There are several really good entries in this contest, and I invite you to go and take a look for yourself. I'm sure the other authors are like myself, and just want to see their words enjoyed by others. So... if you would be so kind to follow the link below and vote for the one you feel is the best, it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the late posting, but the poll closes today (Thursday) at 5:00 MST.
Writing Exercise Competition Week 5 Voting: The Rendezvous
Thanks for your support and I look forward to bringing you more!
Dianna aka Lady R