All material posted here is the original property of Lady R, author of this blog, unless linked from another source or otherwise noted. All material and photos not to be reprinted without permission.

Monday, May 24, 2010


As usual, Harley and I were out and about, enjoying the Glides Saturday and stopped at one of our favorite parks. The Confederate Memorial Park is a perfect rest stop for us and each time we come here, I add to my collection of pics from this place.

There was a day, when a black and blue summer meant a punch in the eye and a kick to the shins, but Harley's blue baby and my black beauty make a great color combination for our lazy summer rides around our sweeping southern highways. We logged almost 250 miles Saturday while our temperature reached 90 and the sun stayed high in a bright blue sky. Better than a punch in the eye I guess.

I hope you all have a great Monday everybody!

Lady R


Bucky said...

Went out this weekend with W, and logged nearly 200 miles on Sunday. Had no real plan, but we just kept going and going until I figured we had better started heading home. Those are the best rides sometimes.

Dean "D-Day" said...

That's an absolutely gorgeous picture Di! Thanx for sharing it.

mq01 said...

OMG so green!!!!!!!!!!! nice!!!

Willy D said...

At first glance that looked like “Gilligan’s Island” with bikes.

Webster World said...

Another great Monday start here. A nice peaceful picture. Always look forward to our Monday picture of the week.

Lady R (Di) said...

Bucky... Your so right! Harley and I go in a direction a lot of times and have no clue where we're going. It usually comes to us eventually. LOL!

Dean... Thanks! I love this little park, especially during Spring.

Mq01... I think we missed the iris blooms by a couple weeks. Pfffttt.

Willy D... LOL! I'm glad my island has highways! :)

Webster... Peaceful... great way to describe this place. I'm going to do a post of the park. There's a lot to share about it, and you being a history buff, would find the story interesting. Hope you have a great week!

IHG said...

Love the PIX!

Cynthia Q. said...

Sounds like a great ride-lovely pic.

Lady R (Di) said...

IHG and Cynthia Q... Thanks ladies!

Denise said...

Very nice! Looking forward to heading out for this weekend soon.

Kathleen Jennette said...

Once again... I am envious and wish I could get there. I will. Beautiful!

FLHX_Dave said...

The only thing I wan't black and blue is my **** and my ass from all the riding I do this year.

Nice pict...And folks doubt the existence of the garden of eden...we have proof Houston, we have proof.

Lady R (Di) said...

Denise... we may be in for lots of rain for the holiday, but riding is definitely still in the plan!

KT... Me too! When I thought you were coming, my mind was already lining up all the cool roads I could take you on. It's gonna happen... one day!

Dave... I think that's a good plan! I almost called this pic "The Garden of Eden". Probably should have. :)