Many times while riding along our Alabama country roads, you'll see remnants of old shacks and barns that have been abandoned or just plain neglected. With time, kudzo, trees, and other vegetation grow up around these structures to the point that they appear to be playing a game of "hide and seek" with you.

Obviously, they become more evident as the seasons change, but come summer time when the woods are lush with new green growth, you won't even notice these old shacks.

This one appears to be playing "peek a boo". This pic was taken during the summer, and if you were to ride by this place two weeks later, you probably wouldn't even see it. The kudzu grows so fast, it would be completely covered by then.
It's really been too cold to get out and ride and besides, I've spent all weekend diving through my files and paperwork trying to get ready for the tax man. Do you think I could pass one of these off as my place of residence so I can get a break from Uncle Sam? Pffffffft. Didn't think so.
Have a great week everybody!
Lady R