All material posted here is the original property of Lady R, author of this blog, unless linked from another source or otherwise noted. All material and photos not to be reprinted without permission.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Last week, I brought you to the Little River Canyon in north Alabama, a cool place to ride and enjoy some great scenery. Well, today I bring you to another canyon on a much greater scale...

What a gorgeous view! This shot was taken by Harley about four years ago while he was riding through the wild west with two other buddies. Standing next to something this magnificent makes you realize just how small we all really are.

He took so many pictures on that trip, and almost all of them are amazing shots depicting just how beautiful this part of the country is. We plan to go back and ride out there together... but he said it definitely won't be in the summer! Shew!

Have a nice Monday every body and I hope this week goes well for all!

Lady R


Mr. Motorcycle said...

Spectacular! I've never been to the Grand Canyon, but have flown over it. I plan on doing it right someday. Its on my bucket list.

Willy D said...

Great place. I got caught in a hailstorm leaving there once. No helmet. I left it at my sisters’ house in Flagstaff. When you go there, be prepared for anything. That mountain makes it’s own weather.

Canajun said...

Great photo. Like Mr. M, I've flown over it countless times, but never seen it from ground level. A must-do trip for me too.

Lady R (Di) said...

Mr. M... It should definitely be on everybody's bucket list. Harley says it's real humbling when your standing on the side of something this large. He was very impressed with the beauty as well as the harshness of the Arizona desert.

Willy D... Ouch! That explains a lot of things. LOL! I'm sure the hail did minimal damage to your noggin, but couldn't have been fun none the less.
Funny you say that about the mountain making it's own weather. Harley had to pack for all seasons in one trip! By night... he froze and by day... they claimed their finger nails were melting!

Canajun... I think you'll be glad you did! I've seen it from the air too, but looking at Harley's pics... there is so much you miss if your not right there at it. Although, from the air gives you the most view at once, that's for sure.

Bucky said...

Let me know when. I definitely need to take a few decent trips. local day rides are nice, but nothing beats a 3-4 day trip somewhere new...

Anonymous said...

Fabulous picture! I've been to the Grand Canyon a few times...it is simply majestic.
The last time I was there, it was on the way home to Idaho from Texas..in August...in my Trans Am...with the temp sensor going out, but the best part of our day at the Grand Canyon was when my friend and I were leaving the scenic area and heading back on the highway. There were these 2 guys in a caddy that kept pulling up beside us...we would smile and I'd speed up only to have them catch back up with us...it turned out, they were twin brothers and "little people". My girlfriend and I laugh about that to this day!

Lady R (Di) said...

Bucky... We would need more than 3 or 4 days for that trip! I would like for us to get together and ride. We should get the Triple A books out and see what between you and I. I'm sure there's some cool places to ride to and enjoy some miles together.

MHL... Flirt! That's too funny! Something tells me you and your girlfriend got plenty of attention together. Two hot chicks in a cool car sounds like something most guys would find very interesting! LOL! Thanks for sharing the memories.

FLHX_Dave said...

You wanna hear something really f'ed up? I have screamed by the Grand Canyon many, many times and I still have not seen it.

As a matter of fact, I was only 10 miles from it in Williams last year. I figured BigD and Ann were more interesting at the time. (LOL, they still are interesting by the way. heh.)

This year...I'm gonna see the Grand Canyon. Yup. That's an awesome pict. I'm inspired man!!

Lady R (Di) said...

Dave... 10 miles? You should have your ass kicked for that! You must go see. Once you did... you'll kick your own ass, for passing it by so many times.

Oz said...

I visited the Grand Canyon about 20 years ago, in a car. I hope to ride there during the summer of 2011 with my son (He will be 14 by then). The photo is great.