Arrrrggh!! My computer is down! I'm on a borrowed computer so I can post this. Hopefully, I will be up again by the first of next week. If I'm really, really lucky, I may have it back today!
I can't believe I'm going to miss all the action this weekend from our Milwaukee party representatives! Oh well. Such is life sometimes. I will have some catching up to do.
See ya when I see ya!
Lady R
hope everything gets worked out!
That sucks! Hope your up and running soon. But hey, better the computer than the bike. :)
Testing, 1...2...3...testing, check...check...nope, it's still not working. Kick it a couple of times.
Shit! I hate it when that happens! And I couldn't agree more with BB, at least it's not the bike!
AWWW That suck's
While you were gone I posted my long story.
Since you didn't comment, I went and deleted it.
OK That's not true
I haven't finished it yet
Scare you for a sec?
Well, it's now Monday night and I haven't seen any posts from Milwaukee yet...so you haven't missed out so far! (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get 'er up and running soon)
PS - Have you tried duct tape? How about a bigger hammer?
well, since you're down have you caught up on your chores you've been putting off? now is certainly a good time to do that wouldn't you think???
Miss Ya! Hope all is well in your world!!!
Don't worry - all the stories and pictures will still be there when you're back up and running!
Hey everybody! I'm no longer a Who in Whoville yelling friom on top of Horton's head, "I am here, I am here!"
Rick... It finally did!
b.b. and ann...you got that right! At least I rode during the weekend, and that always puts things in a better perspective!
dave... such a funny guy! I kicked it before and it kicked back!
Big D... you know how to make a girl cry! I'm glad I didn't miss it!
mrs. rc... "duct tape" LOL!
Yule... your still a mystery to me, but I'll figure it out. How brave are you?
IHG and Joker... I'm just glad to be back!
I guess I'll be burning the midnight oil catching up!
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