After several reassurances that I'll have my best riding foot forward, Harley escorted me as far as Troy, about 45 miles down the road. We waved off our goodbyes and off I went... all by myself. It felt weird at first, riding down the road alone, but I still had an unexplainable giddiness in my gut. The feel of the wind on my face and taking in the pretty countryside, helped erased any apprehension I may have been feeling. I had to keep my eye on some storms passing through, but I had no problems! I thought to myself, being a lone rider has a different feel, and a different kind of charge. I can see how someone could just take off and ride across country alone and never feel lonesome.
Well, I arrived around 4:30 with no time to spare. Red Light Roxanne and her sister, the Elder Ya-Ya, waited for me while I parked my Glide and unpacked my bag. We were going to Happy Hour! This is how we girls in my posse start our weekends together. After meeting up with Crazy Chick and Earth Mother and a few of my other friends at a local watering hole, we ate, drank, and were merry!
They had a Luau this weekend that provided family fun by day, and turned into girls only fun that night. Woo Hoo! It would take about three posts to tell you about the Ya-ya's and the rest of my posse, but let's just say this, after the food was put up and the husbands departed with the children, we became she devils of the night and put the "P" "P-A-R-T-Y"!
Sunday morning came way too early, because it would mean I have to leave my friends and head home to Montgomery. After a night of dancing and swimming, drinking and laughing, our bonds of sisterhood only grew that much stronger. As I rode my Glide back up the familiar roads toward home, I thought about all the stories that were told and the pranks that were played, and I couldn't help but smile. With thoughts like these going through my head I realized, I may be riding alone, but I am not lonesome.
Ride on! Lady R
I know what you mean about striking out that first time without your faithful side-kick. I did that on Million Mile Monday. Even though I was with a group of other riders from First State HOG, my baby was at work. So I wasn't alone (except for the half hour to our meeting point), but in a way I was. I felt free. And lik eyou a "big girl". :-D
That was almost sweet, the whole big girl ride...I could almost see the innocence as you let go of Harley's hand to face the unpredictable road ahead...then you go and do what every kid does when they leave the house! Drinking, smoking, dancing...then the final straw, pictures of the double love eagles! I'm telling your dad on you girl! Another spank session is on the horizon.
Awesome. Thanks for the picts and the post. (Lady R, the R stands for rebel!)
Very cool!! Glad you had a great ride as well as fun with the YaYa's!
A solo ride, no matter how many times it is done, is the most relaxing thing in the world.
Way to go.
Pretty soon you won't want Harley with and he'll be wondering what the hell he did wrong! LOL!
I love the peaceful contemplation of the lone ride. A lot of people just don't understand until they've done it themselves.
And love the double eagles! Too funny!
Sounds like a great time. I have two sisters, and though they live nearly 3,000 miles away, whenever I go back to visit, the bond strengthens. It's always a good time with your sisters around!
Love the double eagles...I'm going to have to catch up! :)
And I also can't wait for my first solo ride, which I'm sure will be a while. Thanks for describing I'll know what to expect. :)
That's what it's all about. I got chills reading your post. First the part about going out on your own. I can only imagine how great that must feel. :)
Then when you were talking about your friends...just sounds like a perfect time! Glad you made it home safely.
Of all the times for me to be all busy and away from the blog!
While you put this up and most of these comments were made, I was taking my Experienced Rider Course in the middle of a thunder storm. Lot's of fun! I was getting numb by the time I got home. First time I've ever taken a hot shower in July!
Tell the girls I'm honored!
Oh, and congrats to you also on setting out on your own! That's what it's all about. As much as I love being a wolf in the fold, sometimes I like being the Lone Wolf.
You and your Glide did us all proud. Ride on, and ride safe Southern Belle!
mrs. rc...It was very liberating. I'm sure I will do it more often, now that I have the first one under my belt. I think Harley was more apprehensive than I was, because he wouldn't be there to help me if I had problems. It's all good!
dave...LOL! I told Harley that you scolded me for misbehaving when away from home. He just laughed and shook his head. (the thing is...he's seen me in action!) R is for Rebel! I like that!
maggie...never underestimate the power of ya-ya's and yes, my ride was great!
mr. was very different at first. Can't really describe it, but it did give me a new sense of achievement! Woo Hoo!
dean...I know you ride alone a lot, and I can see why. It's kind of like when Harley is gone and I can control the remote! I like being large and in charge! I really enjoyed my first lone ride and I'm sure I will do more. More double eagles to come, too I'm sure.
ann...sisters by blood or by choice. Women need them! Everyone was quite impressed that I rode myself down there on my big HOG! None of these girls, except for Cherry rides, but they still think it's pretty cool. Looking forward to your story about the first time.
b.b...thanks, I didn't mean to give you chills, but I know what your saying. It was a real soul reviving experience.
Joker...I know the feeling of being too busy! Way to go on the ERC! I guess if you can do it in a thunderstorm, your ready for just about anything! The girls couldn't wait to join the club! LOL! Thanks for the compliments!
Sounds like you had a great time. Everyone's already said what I was thinking reading your post... so ditto. :)
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